The Orthodox Union’s online Torah offerings continue to grow, with the recent addition of six programs to join such established favorites as Daf Yomi, Nach Yomi, Shnayim Mikra, Taryag, and weekly parsha commentaries by a wide range of rabbis.
Now come the following new courses, all available on www.ou.org and the new OU address for Torah learning, www.outorah.org.
• Kodshim Chaburah, with Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn, the Project Director of the OU’s WINGS (“We Inspire New Growth Synagogues”) consulting program, and rabbi of the West Side Institutional Synagogue in New York. Kodshim Chaburah is a discussion of topics in Kodshim, literally “holy things,” one of the six Orders of the Talmud. Rabbi Einhorn clarifies, in lectures of about an hour in length, issues dealing with the sacrifices. More than 20 audio sessions have been recorded so far, which will be made available on a regular basis.
• Mishna Yomit, a daily study of the Mishna, is a cycle of two mishnayot per day that began on December 23, 2010 and concludes on April 1, 2016. It is taught by a rotating group of rabbis.
• Tzarich Iyun: Things We Thought We Knew, re-presents features by Rabbi Ari Zivotofsky that originally appeared in the OU’s Jewish Action magazine. The program, whose title is derived from a Talmudic expression meaning “further study is required,” investigates common misconceptions about Judaism, such as the mistaken belief that the luchos, the tablets of the Ten Commandments, were rounded on top. More than 40 written sessions are available and will be presented weekly.
• The Kuzari, consisting of brief audio lectures by Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, a consultant to the OU’s West Coast Region in Los Angeles, and translator and annotator of the latest edition of this medieval classic.
• Rabbi Azarya Berzon on the Yahrtzeit Shiurim of the Rav, recreates lectures delivered by Rav Joseph Soloveitchik z”tl on the occasion of a yahrtzeit. Each audio lecture runs more than hour in length.
•Finally, look up on the website and see a rabbi, a chazzan – no, it’s Haftorahman, presenting a series of video presentations, delving in a lighthearted manner into the weekly Haftorah portions. A wearer not of a cape but a tallit, Haftorahman is known as Reuben Ebrahimoff. These lectures, based on his haftorahman.org website, are specially recorded for the OU.
According to Rabbi Jack Abramowitz, OU Torah Content Editor, “These new programs enrich a Torah section already renowned throughout the Jewish world for its comprehensiveness, variety, and the great depth of its learning. There are more programs to come that are now in development.”
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