OU to Hold Its Virtual Job Fair II on 08/29 to Help Candidates Secure Jobs Prior to High Holy Days

09 Jul 2007


Following the success of the first OU Virtual Job Fair, held in early June that resulted in 35 job offers to men and women, 20 of which were made on the spot, the Orthodox Union announced today that it will hold its Virtual Job Fair II on Wednesday, August 29, which will incorporate a variety of new features.

The Virtual Job Fair is a project of the OU’s Job Board, which was introduced in January, and which maintains a comprehensive website, https://www.ou.org/jobboard/. The Job Fair will be held free-of-charge at OU Headquarters, 11 Broadway, in New York.

“With the success we had with the first Job Fair, it was already clear that we should have an encore for the members of the Jewish community who are looking to find employment,” declared Michael Rosner, OU Job Board Director.

“Therefore, we scheduled another Fair prior the High Holy Days to help people find meaningful work before the holidays begin,” he said. “There will be no better way to start the new year than with a new job.”

The Job Fair is believed to be the first program anywhere to combine state-of-the-art technology with human resources practices to assist the unemployed and under-employed in the Jewish community in New York and nationally in finding meaningful work.

“From the moment resumes are posted by the candidates for the Job Fair the process begins,” Mr. Rosner said. “The OU in reality goes to each of the employers dropping off resumes where appropriate, making a true match for the job that is being offered. In this way, employers who want to see a candidate in a scheduled interview setting, have already had a chance to review each resume, experience and qualifications, prior to setting up the interview.”

When the applicants arrive at OU Headquarters, they are interviewed via a video conference with HR personnel in the New York/New Jersey area, who have the comfort of remaining in their own offices. HR professionals who prefer to screen applicants in person will come to the OU and conduct their interviews live.

According to Mr. Rosner, a number of improvements were instituted in preparation for the second Job Fair. They are as follows,

• The name of each candidate will appear on the resume when it is sent to the company;

• OU “ushers” will escort HR staff who are coming to the OU to their stations;

• “Ushers” will introduce each candidate before the start of the virtual and live interview;

• Headsets will provided by the OU for a minimal fee to the virtual attendees;

As with the first Job Fair, sponsorship opportunities are also available.

To participate, log-on to https://www.ou.org/jobboard/ to access the application tab for the August 29 Job Fair.

For more information contact Mr. Rosner at 212-613-8129 or rosnerm@ou.org.