Single and interested in a fun and relaxing way to meet new people? The Orthodox Union’s Singles Connection, a program of the OU Department of Community Services | Jewish Community Programs, has announced three events in December to provide opportunities for singles to meet, mingle, and have a good time.
A Singles Shabbaton in Queens for ages 25-35 will take place in conjunction with the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills (YIKGH), on Shabbat Parshat Vayeshev — Friday, December 16-Saturday night, December 17. All meals, hospitality and davening will be hosted by the shul, located at 150-05 70th Road in Flushing. A special dvar Torah will be given by Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld, Senior Rabbi of YIKGH, and longtime staff member of the OU Kashrut Department. The cost of the weekend, including catered meals; games and activities; and motzai Shabbat ice skating at the World Ice Arena in Flushing Meadows Corona Park, is $100. Shabbaton applications can be found at http://tinyurl.com/cwqd84y.
Saturday night, December 17, the OU will be partnering with West of the Hudson, a Teaneck-based group for young professionals in their 20s and 30s, for an evening of “Kandles and Kegs,” beginning at 9:30 p.m. at the Jewish Center of Teaneck, 70 Stirling Place. The lively evening includes candle dipping; dreidle tournaments; and an olive and beer buffet. Admission is $20 for advanced registration, or $25 at the door. Registration is possible online at http://www.eventbrite.com/event/2574458274, or by calling 212.613.8300.
A Chanukah Concert open to all will take place Saturday night, December 24, in partnership with Saw You At Sinai and Manhattan’s Congregation Ohab Zedek. The concert, featuring the upbeat Carlebach-style performances of C Lanzbom, Nochi Krohn, and Yisroel Juskowicz, will take place at the synagogue, 118 West 95th Street. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Advanced reservation tickets are $20 ($15 with Student ID); cost at the door is $25 ($20 with Student ID). All proceeds benefit the OU Beautiful Child Toy Drive, to provide Chanukah gifts for hospitalized children. An original painting by Yisroel Juskowicz will also be auctioned off. Registration can be done at www.oucommunity.org, or by calling (212) 613-8300.
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