The Orthodox Union in conjunction with the Yavneh Academy of Paramus, will present Positive Jewish Parenting, a national program of the OU that provides advice from leading mental health professionals on how to enhance parenting skills. It will be held Saturday, December 26 at 7:00 p.m., at the school, 155 North Farview Avenue.
Positive Jewish Parenting has been presented to large audiences across the United States for several years. Together with Positive Jewish Marriages, it is a major aspect of the Orthodox Union’s priority of strengthening the Orthodox family and helping it cope with the stresses and strains of life. Since Positive Jewish Parenting was introduced by the OU, it has been offered as well by a variety of Jewish organizations, Orthodox and non-Orthodox. The visit to Paramus is a return to a community that played host to a well-attended program two years ago.
“The topics selected by Yavneh Academy are reflective of practical day in and day out situations encountered in daily life,” declared Frank Buchweitz, OU National Director of Community Services and Special Projects, and coordinator of the Positive Jewish Parenting and Marriages programs. “It was a pleasure working with the leadership and committee of Yavneh in their selections of sessions for this year’s program, which is open not only to the parent body, but also to the entire community.”
According to Rabbi Jonathan Knapp, Principal of the Yavneh Academy, “This program furthers our mission to partner with our parents in discussing essential topics that impact Torah observant children in today’s society. This symposium reflects the combined efforts of our premier mental health staff and the Orthodox Union’s vast experience in organizing and promoting such events. Based on our experience two years ago, we are anticipating a large turnout not only from the Yavneh parent body, but also from the broader Jewish community.
Keynote speaker Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter, Ph.D. will present On Maintaining Meaningful Connections: Between the Generations, from 9:50 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
From 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. participants will be able to choose from one of the concurrent workshops below:
Early Childhood: Raising Resilient Children with David Yammer, Ph.D.;
Elementary School: When Your Child Defies You with Rochelle Harary, M.S.; or Stop Overreacting! Reacting Calmly to Our Children with Judith Siegel, Ph.D.;
Middle School and High School: Warning: Information Overload! When Too Much Knowledge Becomes a Dangerous Thing with Norman Blumenthal, Ph.D.
From 8:40 p.m. to 9:40 p.m. participants will be able to choose from one of the concurrent workshops below,
Early Childhood: Raising Emotionally Healthy Pre-Schoolers with Chaya Gorsetman, Ed.D.;
Elementary School: Nurturing Spirituality and Idealism in a Culture of Immediate Gratification and Materialism with Norman Blumenthal, Ph.D.; or When a Child is Anxious—The Parent’s Role with David Yammer, Ph.D.;
Middle School and High School: Body Image and Self-Esteem: An Interactive Workshop with Rochelle Harary, M.S.; or What Children Learn from Their Parent’s Marriage: A Blueprint from Relationships with Judith Siegel, Ph.D.
Supporting local synagogues include Beit Midrash of Bergenfield; Young Israel of Teaneck; Congregations Ahavat Achim, Arzei Darom, Beth Aaron, Beth Abraham, Bnai Yeshurun, Keter Torah, Netivot Shalom, Ohr HaTorah, Rinat Yisrael, Shaarei Tefillah, Shomrei Emunah, Shomrei Torah and Zichron Mordechai.
Admission is $15 per couple in advance and $20 at the door. To register contact Chana Besterman at 201-262-8494 ext. 354 or cbesterman@yavnehacademy.org. For more information contact Dr. Aliza Frohlich at 201-262-8494 ext. 322; Mrs. Gayle Clachko at 201-262-8494 ext. 331; or Mrs. Sima Kern at 201-833-2331.