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OU Praises Louisiana Senate for Passing Education Voucher Legislation

05 Apr 2012


Today, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (“Orthodox Union”) — the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization — commended the Louisiana Senate on passing of the Student Scholarships for Educational Excellence Act (HB 976). The Senate version of the bill is now back in the House of Representatives where it is scheduled for concurrence later today.

House Bill 976, introduced by Rep. Steve Carter passed the House of Representatives on March 23. With the Governor’s signature, HB976 will create a program to allow low income students who are currently in under-performing districts to use vouchers to attend accredited schools of their choice.

Last week, OU Deputy Director of Political Affairs Jesse Hervitz, in conjunction with the New Orleans Jewish Federation, led a mission to Baton Rouge to advocate in favor of Governor Jindal’s school choice initiative — a package that includes the voucher bill and a separate bill (HB 969), currently residing in the Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs, that would create a scholarship tax credit program for non-public schools.

The Orthodox Union praises the Louisiana House and Senate for increasing school choice opportunity for all, and is especially appreciative since this legislation can assist in tuition affordability

Jesse Hervitz, stated: “By passing this legislation, Louisiana is allowing all students — regardless of income — to have an opportunity to choose the school that will provide the best education for them. This is especially important for the Orthodox Community, as day school affordability is the most serious domestic challenge facing our community. We would like to thank the entire Louisiana legislature for their hard work on this legislation and implore the Senate to continue progress on HB 969 — the tax credit program.

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