21 Oct 2009

On the heels of the success of and feedback from previous OU Kosher webcasts to which thousands of listeners have tuned in, OU Kosher will present “Cooking on Shabbat — A Hot Topic — News & Views about Stews & Brews” featuring OU Kosher authorities and senior halachic consultants Rabbi Yisroel Belsky and Rabbi Hershel Schachter. The webcast will take place Tuesday, November 17, 3:30 PM EST. To watch the webcast live, visit www.ou.org/ouradio/kosher_webcast/.

The webcast is part of OU Kosher’s continuing educational outreach to the community that includes the “OU Kosher Coming to Schools and Communities” program, and the informative and entertaining Kosher Tidbits postings, now numbering close to 140 on OU Radio. Recent Tidbits include: “Reputation Preservation: Kashrut and Maris Ayin,” featuring Rabbi Dovid Bistricer and “The Milk of Human Kindness,” presented by Rabbi Eli Gersten. They are newly posted on OU Kosher Tidbits https://outorah.org/.

In announcing the upcoming webcast, Rabi Eliyahu Safran, OU Kosher’s Vice President of Communications and Marketing, spoke of the “beauty of the Shabbat and the imperative to seek every way to enhance its celebration with the finest of Shabbat meals, which include hot foods. When one is familiar with the intricate cooking laws of Shabbat, it’s so much easier to prepare. The knowledge and information to be learned during this webcast is vital for making Shabbat as pleasurable as it should be.”

Topics will include: various types of keilim, bishul achar bishul, use of a blech, crock pot, and urn.
Viewers of the webcast can send in questions before the session starts to Rabbi Safran at Safrane@ou.org or fax to 212-613-0775. During the session they can email Rabbi Eliyahu Ferrell at Ferrelle@ou.org or fax 212-613-0775.