Rabbi Eliyahu Safran, Senior Rabbinic Coordinator and Vice President of Communications and Marketing of OU Kosher, will be one of two experts appearing in the webinar, “Let’s Talk Kosher! Kosher Food: What Does it Mean for Food to Be Labeled as Kosher and What Are the Implications for Food Producers, Distributors and Marketers?” The webinar will be presented by the Orthodox Union and the Food Institute on Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 12:00 p.m., Eastern time.
The Food Institute, a non-profit organization founded in 1928, is an important source for current, timely and relevant information about the food industry.
The webinar has been rescheduled from a similar program in early June.
Rabbi Safran will share the program with its moderator, Philip Katz, Partner at the international law firm of Hogan & Hartson and Co-Director of the firm’s pharmaceutical and biotechnology practice group.
Rabbi Safran will define “kosher,” explain how food products and facilities are certified as kosher, and will talk about the OU and the Food Institute’s role in the process. He and Mr. Katz will discuss how kosher certification has significance to consumers well beyond observant Jewish communities, and why it is increasingly important to the businesses that serve those consumers.
The program, which will last 90 minutes, is targeted at retailers, manufacturers and other professionals who are interested in learning about kosher certification and its advantages.
Rabbi Safran may be reached at safrane@ou.org. Registration can be arranged through the Food Institute website, foodinstitute.com.