The Orthodox Union Job Board and Jewish Community Services (JCS) of South Florida, two organizations that are deeply involved with dealing with the impact of the economic meltdown on their constituencies, will present “Resume Checkup Day” for employed and unemployed students and professionals on Monday, July 20 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, 4200 Biscayne Boulevard.
A team of career counselors and resume writers will spend time with each candidate, reviewing their resumes, making corrections on the spot, and helping candidates decide which direction to pursue in their job searches. The program is for those who are new to the job market, returning to it or have been employed for years.
“The OU Job Board looks forward to working closely with the JCS, which is part of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation,” declared Michael Rosner, Director of the Job Board. “As we proceed to bring programs to the communities the OU Job Board services, it is also imperative to get the local organizations involved in the process and to be the focal point where people can turn to. We will continue to partner with as many local organizations as we possibly can, to make people aware of not only what the OU Job Board is doing but also of the other resources that may be available to them. We are proud to have Miami as our partners.”
According to Mr. Rosner, the OU Job Board has now presented resume tune-ups in New York, New Jersey and Israel, and now turns to Miami, with Boston, Baltimore, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Detroit and Chicago on the horizon. Orthodox Union member congregations are present in each of these communities.
The event is open by reservation only on a first-come, first-served basis. To register, go to, email or call 212-613-8391. For more information, contact Michael Rosner, Director of the Job Board, at