Orthodox women from all over the world are invited to visit Israel from Sunday, February 13- Tuesday, February 22, for a unique experience to rejuvenate their minds and re-energize their souls. The L’ayla’s Women’s Mission to Israel, coordinated with the Orthodox Union Israel Center, will be a customized itinerary for women’s interests. Women who live in Israel are also welcome to be part of the trip.
Registration is now open.
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For Itinerary
The L’ayla program, with its motto of “Reaching Higher… Together,” is based in Jerusalem, and focuses on providing observant women with opportunities for meaningful learning and social experiences, in conjunction with OU Israel.
According to OU Israel Director of Programs Menachem Persoff, “L’ayla is a very exciting new women’s program at OU Israel. L’ayla literally means in Aramaic “high” or “on high,” which, in the Kaddish prayer, refers to God as being higher than all the blessings and all the hymns. It is within this context that we strive to facilitate a high level of Jewish studies and Torah learning for women, encouraging spiritual growth of new heights.”
Mrs. Rivka Segal, coordinator of the L’ayla Program, declared, “Women have always had a special connection to the land of Israel. Trips to Israel for religious women, other than kiruv-oriented missions, are very rare. Our goal is for women to bring women together and experience first-hand tremendous experiences for spiritual growth and opportunities to re-energize through touring, learning Torah, creating new friendships with women from all over the world, and interacting with organizations and individuals who are model of Torah and chesed in Israel. They will bring back to their homes a stronger passion for who they need to be as Jewish women, as well as a stronger feeling of ahavat ha’aretz (love of the land) and ahavat Yisrael (love of the Jewish people).”
“After seeing the itinerary and knowing Mrs. Rivka Segal, I have no doubt that any woman who decides to join this fantastic mission will come back rejuvenated and more inspired than ever,” declared Rabbi Avi Berman, OU Israel Executive Director.
The cross-county adventures will include:
• Private demonstration of glass blowing in the Old City artists’ colony of Tzfat;
• Learning the art of chocolate making at the Karina Chocolate Factory in Kibbutz Ein Zivan;
• Discovering the unusual and enchanting fusions of music, sculpture, archeology and lighting at the New Generations Center in Jerusalem;
• Sound and light show in Gush Etzion;
• Davening at Amuka, Kever Rochel and Me’arat HaMachpela;
• Private gourmet culinary lessons at Jerusalem Culinary Institute;
• Special Shabbat in Jerusalem with Rabbi and Mrs. Zev Leff and a late night tour of the refurbished Churva Shul in the Old City;
• Shiurim with outstanding teachers of the L’ayla community learning program at the OU Israel Center;
• Experiencing the Gush Katif Museum in Jerusalem and the Blind Museum in Holon;
• Israel awareness activities, with a visit to Sderot and meeting with former residents of Gush Katif, in addition to Israeli leaders.
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For Registration
For Itinerary
You may also contact Rivka Segal at rsegal@ouisrael.org or call 410-504-6206.