OU Israel Announces Inspiring Sessions for February 13-22 Women’s Mission

28 Dec 2010


The customized itinerary focusing on women’s interests for the Orthodox Union Israel Center’s special L’ayla’s Women’s Mission to Israel will include sessions that are certain to inspire all mission participants. A unique experience for Orthodox women from all over the world (including Israel) to rejuvenate their minds and re-energize their souls, the mission will take place from Sunday, February 13-Tuesday, February 22.

Registration is currently underway at www.ouisrael.org/layla-trip.

The ongoing L’ayla program, operating in conjunction with Jerusalem-based OU Israel, is dedicated to providing women with meaningful Torah and social programming. L’ayla currently focuses on the Israeli community, but according to Rabbi Avi Berman, OU Israel Executive Director, “is expanding to provide programming to women on an international level.”

The sessions will include:

• Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi, voted by Israeli newspaper Makor Rishon as the third most influential woman in Israel and one of the foremost Torah speakers for women in Israel. In addition to radio, she has attracted hundreds of women from all around the country to her shiurim;

• Ruti Greenglick, is a performer of her own one-woman-show, “Never Alone,” which provides lessons in emunah (faith) and practical wisdom with songs and stories; it is based on her experiences overcoming her battle with cancer, enduring her eviction from Gush Katif and successfully getting through the daily challenges that she faces as a wife, mother, daughter and social worker;

• Rabbi Dov Fendel, Rosh HaYeshiva of the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva, who lives with constant threats of terror from Gaza;

• Rabbi Zev Leff, leader of Moshav Matisyahu and well known for his shiurim and meaningful advice;

• Rabbi Avi Berman, of OU Israel.

Mrs. Rivka Segal, coordinator of the L’ayla Program, declared, “Women have always had a special connection to the land of Israel. With this unique trip, women are able to come together to tour, learn Torah, see first-hand chesed organizations and meet people who are models of Torah, while creating new friendships with women from all over the world. It will be a tremendous experience of spiritual growth and a great opportunity to re-energize and bring back to their homes a stronger passion for who they need to be as Jewish women, as well as a stronger feeling of Ahavas Ha’aretz (love of the land) and Ahavas Yisrael (love of the Jewish people).”

“After seeing the itinerary and knowing Mrs. Rivka Segal, I have no doubt that any woman who decides to join this fantastic mission will come back rejuvenated and more inspired than ever,” declared Rabbi Berman.

The customized itinerary will also include:

• Private demonstration of glass blowing in the Old City artists’ colony of Tzfat;

• Learning the art of chocolate making at the Karina Chocolate Factory in Kibbutz Ein Zivan;

• Discovering the unusual and enchanting fusions of music, sculpture, archeology and lighting at the New Generations Center in Jerusalem;

• Sound and light show in Gush Etzion;

• Special Shabbat in Jerusalem with Rabbi and Rebbetzin Leff, including a late night tour of the refurbished Churva Shul in the Old City.

For further information, contact Rivka Segal at rsegal@ouisrael.org or call 410-504-6206.

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