OU Expresses Sorrow on Death of Benzion Netanyahu

30 Apr 2012


The leadership of the Orthodox Union, the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization, expresses its deep sorrow upon the passing of Professor Benzion Netanyahu and extends condolences to his son, Prime Minister Netanyahu, and his family upon their father’s passing.

In a life that spanned more than a century, Professor Netanyahu made major contributions to Jewish life and Jewish thought. He was among the founding fathers of the modern State of Israel and worked as Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s closest aide. He and his wife, Tzila, raised three sons, each of whom have made great contributions to Israel and the Jewish people; Yoni z”l, Binyamin and Iddo.

He wrote many books including “Don Isaac Abravanel, Statesman and Philosopher;” “The Marranos from Spain;” and “The Origins of the Inquisition in 15th Century Spain.”

The leadership of the Orthodox Union prays — for the Netanyahu family and for all Israel — that the extraordinary life and legacy of Benzion Netanyahu will serve to comfort them and us among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

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