Now is the time for Jewish Deaf and Hard of Hearing Singles to register for a Special Weekend Retreat near Boston. Jewish Deaf Singles Registry (JDSR), a program of the Orthodox Union’s Our Way division, is offering an early bird rate of $125 for registrants who are members, and $145 for non-members, until February 18. After the deadline, the price will be $140 for members and $160 for non-members. The weekend retreat will take place Thursday, March 19 through Sunday, March 22.
The price includes all meals (including Sunday brunch), fun activities, workshops, and services, an all-day outing in Boston on Friday, and a Saturday night outing. Participants must pay a separate charge to reserve a seat on the JDSR bus from New York to Boston and to reserve a room in the hotel at a discounted rate, with up to four people per room. Complimentary housing is offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
“We are excited to afford our Jewish deaf singles an opportunity to meet each other in a relaxing environment,” declared Batya Jacob, Program Director for Our Way. “In the past three months, two JDSR couples have become engaged as a result of attending our programs. We hope that through the Boston retreat, more of our members will be able to form lasting, meaningful relationships and begin to build Jewish homes within Klal Yisroel” she said.
For more information and to register, email, fax 908-352-7395, or visit, or contact Batya Jacob at