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OU Calls on Synagogues Beyond NY to Attend Stop Iran Rally, 9/22

08 Sep 2008

The organization defines “in proximity” as not only the New York Metropolitan area, but as a one-day round-trip bus ride, which would place Boston, Baltimore, Washington, Eastern Pennsylvania and points in between within range of attending.

The rally is sponsored by the National Coalition to Stop Iran Now, together with the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, United Jewish Communities, UJA-Federation of New York, and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs.

In a message to OU synagogues, Rabbi Bini Maryles, Director of the OU’s Pepa and Rabbi Joseph Karasick Department of Synagogue Services, declared: “On Monday, September 22 there will be a large rally outside of the United Nations to stop Iran. We encourage you to please spread the word and to do everything in your power to attend and to encourage others to attend. The rally will send a clear message to world leaders — particularly in advance of Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s General Assembly address the next day — that we oppose Iran’s nuclear program and supporting global terrorism. We condemn Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust denial, his threats to ‘wipe the U. S. and Israel off the map,’ and his blatant abuse of human rights.”

“It is vitally important for the Jewish community to be out in force to express its opposition to Ahmadinejad’s genocidal rantings,” Rabbi Maryles said, “so that the world can see that this man must be stopped; that the world’s ineffectual response to the Iranian nuclear threat facing Israel and the West must finally be replaced by firm action; and that his annual use of the U.N. as a forum is an affront to decent and peace-loving people everywhere.”

For more information on the rally, contact or