OU Announces Two New Kosher Tidbits Programs on OU Radio

24 Oct 2006


Vinegar and enzymes are the newly recorded topics, as the Kosher Tidbits radio program of the Orthodox Union’s Kashrut Division adds to its list of presentations intended to explain the finer points of Jewish Kosher law to a worldwide audience.

Kosher Tidbits, a comprehensive series of 15-minute broadcasts on a wide variety of topics, can be heard on OU Radio, https://www.ou.org:443/, as well as on oukosher.org. Both new presentations are now available online.

The presentations are as follows:

•Rabbi Gavriel Price, Rabbinic Coordinator, on Kosher Vinegar: Where Divine Revelation Meets Ethanol Fermentation. Vinegar is a deceptively simple product. In fact, the creation of kosher vinegar raises concerns in numerous areas of Halacha. Rabbi Price, a Rabbinic Coordinator with OU Kashrut’s Ingredient Department, distills his knowledge in this edifying presentation.

•Rabbi Menachem Adler, Rabbinic Coordinator, on Kosher “K”atalysts: The “Inz” and Outs of Enzymes. Enzymes are chemical catalysts; they impact on your kitchen in ways you’d never expect. Join Rabbi Adler, the Rabbinic Coordinator who serves as OU Kashrut’s resident expert on enzymes, for an enlightening and surprising survey of the kosher enzyme industry.

Segments of Kosher Tidbits that have already been recorded include:

•Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, Mezonos Bread: Easy Meal-or Enduring Myth?

•Rabbi Donneal Epstein, Let’s “Ex-salmon” the Kashrus of Fish

•Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer, Got (Powdered) Milk (Protein)?

•Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer, Kosher Cheese: Overcoming the Hurdles for the Milk that Curdles: Parts 1 & 2

•Rabbi Yisroel Bendelstein, The “Hole” Truth: Together, Bagels and the OU

•Rabbi Hershel Schacter, Hafrashas Challah on the Industrial Scale

•Rabbi Eliyahu W. Ferrell, Kosher Chemical Manufacture: A Serious Matter

•Rabbi Moshe Zywica, Kosher Flavor Manufacture: A “Holy” Satisfying Process

•Rabbi Howard Katzenstein, Now WE See It, Now YOU Don’t

•Rabbi Howard Katzenstein, How to Be a Savvy Consumer

•Rabbi Hershel Schacter, Kosherizing Utensils Parts 1 & 2

•Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, Vegetable Inspection: An Halachic and Historical Perspective

•Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer, Kosher Yogurt: An Uplifting Cultural Experience

•Rabbi Hershel Schacter, Avoiding the Arthropods: The Story of Certified Vegetables

•Rabbi Hershel Schacter, Tuna Fish: “Can” It Be Kosher?

•Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer, Frozen Desserts-Parts I – Kosher Ice Cream: Cold Facts about a Hot Topic

•Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer, Frozen Desserts-Part II – Ices and Sorbets: A “Sure Bet” for Kashruth Challenges

•Rabbi Moshe Elefant, The Illegal OU: Now We See It, Now YOU Don’t

•Rabbi Shmuel Singer, Much More than Matzah: The News for Passover 2006

•Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer, As the World Churns: Aspects of Kosher Butter Production

•Rabbi Yisroel Meir Paretzky, What’s Cooking in the Baking Industry?

•Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, Over-the-Counter Medicine: Don’t Over-look Kashruth!

•Rabbi Chaim Goldberg, YOU Can Be A Savvy Kosher Consumer!

•Rabbi David Cohen, Bishul Akum: Fit for a King – or Just for King Kong?

•Rabbi David Cohen, Bishul Akum: The Written Law About What’s Eaten Raw

•Rabbi David Gorelik, Trix Of The Trade: The Production Of Kosher Cereals

•Rabbi Yisroel Bendelstein, Are You Fluent in Kosher?

•Rabbi Yisroel Bendelstein, Of Factories and Faith: Seeing the Hand of G-d

•Rabbi Chaim Goldberg, “All Cods Are Kosher” – and Other Common Mistakes!

•Rabbi Dov Schreier, The Restaurant: What Should the Certificate Certify?

•Rabbi Yaakov Luban, The OU-D Symbol: Is the Product More or Less Dairy?

•Rabbi Eliyahu W. Ferrell, Yours, Mine, and Hours: Waiting Between Milk and Meat

•Rabbi Yisroel Bendelstein, Ingredient Panels (on packaging): Unraveling the Mysteries

A full and continuously updated listing of Kosher Tidbits presentations can be found on https://oukosher.org/.

For more information on future segments contact Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Safran, Senior Rabbinic Coordinator and Vice President of Communications and Marketing of OU Kosher, at 212-613-8115 or safrane@ou.org, or Rabbi Eliyahu Ferrell, Rabbinic Coordinator, at ferrele@ou.org.