The OU Torah app provides instant access to the world of Torah made available by the Orthodox Union on With a single click, users can follow along with the OU’s many and varied daily learning programs, including Daf Yomi, Nach Yomi, Mishnah Yomit, and Mishnah Brurah Yomi, as well as many insightful and thought-provoking shiurim on each week’s Torah portion.
Among the many prominent speakers and authors on OU Torah: Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Rabbi Moshe Elefant, Rabbi Shalom Rosner, Rabbi Jack Abramowitz, Rav Avraham Chaim Feuer, Rav Chaim Ilson, Rav Aharon Kahn, Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky, Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir (The Jewish Ethicist), Mrs. Shira Smiles, Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein and many more.
“The OU Torah app provides new ways to enjoy all your favorite series,” explained Rabbi Jack Abramowitz, editor of OU Torah. “You can read divrei Torah and listen to shiurim on your phone or mobile device; you can download content to review later; you can set up your own personal playlists to enjoy things as you like best.”
The OU Torah app is available on iTunes.