What child doesn’t enjoy playing dress-up? Hidden personality traits that children conceal are suddenly revealed upon assuming a new role, whether it is being a fearless swashbuckling cowboy, a brainy lab scientist, or a sneaky secret agent. To educate parents how they can encourage their children to new heights, The Orthodox Union Department of Community Engagement will be presenting the lunchbreak webinar, “Purim: How to Unmask Your Child’s Hidden Potential.” Co-sponsored by ChallahCrumbs.com, and ParentingSimply.com, the program will be webcast live around North America on Wednesday, March 5 at noon. Eastern Standard Time and will feature presenters Adina Soclof, MS. CCC-SLP and Devorah Levine-Katz, MSW.
Registration is free. The link to the webinar will be sent to those who register. The Purim Parenting Webinar is the second of a four-part pre-holiday series.
In addition to writing for ParentingSimply.com and ChallahCrumbs.com, Adina Soclof is the Director of Parent Outreach for A+ Solutions and facilitates “How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk,” as well as workshops based on “Siblings Without Rivalry.”
Devorah Levine-Katz, mother of five, is an experienced formal and informal educator and has developed curricula for schools and summer programs. Her passion lies with making Judaism accessible and exciting for Jewish families everywhere.
Says Adina Soclof, “We will explore the Purim story and see how Mordechai and Esther used their strengths to reach their potential and how we can use their experience to help our children do the same. We will discuss what makes a Jewish hero; self-control; love of people; keeping a cool head; and how these characteristics can be taught to our children.
Says Devorah Levine-Katz, “In my segment we’ll be uncovering the ‘Purim Survival Guide.’ We’ll be looking at some great strategies to navigate the holiday of noise, costumes and sugar in a way that will embrace the Purim message. We’ll be pulling out costume ideas, mishloach manot ideas and Megillah activities that will help enhance your family’s Purim celebrations. We will also learn how these attributes can help children obtain authentic happiness, simcha, on one of our most joyous holidays.”
To register online, visit or call 212-613-8300.