The Orthodox Union Department of Synagogue and Community Services presents a lecture “Old Books That Talk” by Seattle’s Eli Genauer, national vice president of the Orthodox Union. It will be held on Wednesday, January 27 at 7 p.m. at the Anshei Chesed Congregation in Boynton Beach. The OU-member synagogue is located at 10683 El Clair Ranch Road.
Mr. Genauer was born and raised in Seattle where his family has resided for over a century. He attended Yeshiva University and studied at Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim, both in Israel and in New York. Mr. Genauer has been a businessman and community volunteer in Seattle for almost four decades. He serves at present as a national vice president of the OU.
Mr. Genauer is a collector of old seforim and has written and lectured extensively on his book collection. His articles have been featured online, in the journal Hakirah and in Jewish Action, the OU’s quarterly magazine. Mr. Genauer presented some of his research on early printed editions of the Talmud at the 16th World Congress of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. He has been married to his wife Eva for 43 years. They have three married children and nine grandchildren.