OU Commends Senator Schumer and Representatives Meng, Rice, Engel, Lowey and Israel for Opposing the Iran Nuclear Deal

10 Aug 2015

The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization, applauds Senator Charles Schumer as well as Representatives Grace Meng, Kathleen Rice, Elliot Engel, Nita Lowey, and Steve Israel—all Democrats—for faithfully representing the views of the New York community and publicly opposing the Iran nuclear deal.

The Orthodox Union also commends Representatives Lee Zeldin and Dan Donovan, Republicans also representing New York, who have opposed the deal.

“During the Orthodox Union Leadership Mission to Washington in June, we met with Members of Congress from across the country and expressed our concerns about the Iran nuclear deal as well as what we considered the five key elements to a good deal with Iran. We believe this deal does not meet those criteria and paves a pathway to a nuclear-armed Iran,” said Nathan Diament, Executive Director of OU Advocacy.

Read the full press release at www.ouadvocacy.org.