Representatives from the Jewish Leadership Coalition,
the Orthodox Union, Chabad, Agudath Israel, Step Up for Students,
and synagogues and Jewish day schools throughout South Florida
lobbied the Florida House and Senate to expand the tax credit
scholarship program.
The Jewish Leadership Coalition (JLC) recently led a delegation to Tallahassee to impress upon state legislators the magnitude and potential impact that expanding the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program could have on the Florida Jewish day school community.
The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship program is the primary instrument JLC advocates for in order to provide Jewish day school tuition relief to Florida’s Jewish families. The JLC works with Step Up for Students (SUFS), an organization that helps alleviate educational challenges faced by children in Florida who live in or near poverty, to distribute these scholarships. Currently, 1,100 Jewish children receive tuition relief through JLC and SUFS, but nearly triple that amount could receive scholarships if the program were to expand.
Together with representatives from the Orthodox Union, Chabad and Agudath Israel and Step Up for Students, the JLC delegation to Tallahassee consisted of rabbis, professional staff and lay leaders from synagogues and Jewish day schools throughout South Florida, including Boca Raton Synagogue, Young Israel of Hollywood, Hillel Day School of Boca Raton, Donna Klein Jewish Academy, Brauser Maimonides Academy of Hollywood, Landow Educational Center, Weinbaum Yeshiva High School, Hebrew Academy of Margate, RASG Hebrew Academy of Miami Beach, Yeshiva Toras Chaim, and Torah Academy of Boca Raton.
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