New OU Kosher for Passover Items for 2010

03 Mar 2010

The number of kosher for Passover products increases every year. The Orthodox Union’s Daf Hakashrus, OU Kosher’s magazine, annually prints an updated list that includes new Kosher for Passover items. Following are several major highlights of that list.


• Kedem has two new items with OU-P certification for this year – pomegranate and sparkling pomogrape juices
• Jelinek introduces OU-P pear brandy, in addition to its traditional slivovitz
• Distillerie will have OU-P gin
Matzah Products
• The OU now certifies Aviv, Osem, Yehuda, and Rishon matzah products from Israel
• The Yanovsky bakery in Argentina now has OU-P certified matzah, which is widely distributed in Latin America
• Manischewitz now has OU-P whole wheat matzah meal and whole wheat matzah farfel, both made from Manischewitz OU-P whole wheat matzah


• This year, OU-P Coca Cola will spear in 2 liter bottles, which will have the distinctive yellow caps along with the OU-P symbol
• Many supermarkets will have OU-P flavored seltzers available this year. They include America’s Choice, Shoprite and Price Chopper
• Cornell will have flavored sodas with an OU-P
• Only coffee bearing an OU-P symbol or brands listed in the gray area of the OU Passover Directory should be used. Both Folger’s and Taster’s Choice instant coffee remain acceptable, while other brands should be checked in the OU Passover Guide. Ground coffee remains acceptable from any source as long as it is unflavored and not decaffeinated.
• Regular tea bags, which are not flavored or decaffeinated, are acceptable for Pesach without special supervision. Shoprite also has specially marked OU-P plain tea bags on the market. In addition, Swee-Touch-Nee and Wissotsky will continue to have Pesach herbal teas. Nestea instant unflavored tea powder and instant unflavored decaffeinated tea powder are acceptable for Pesach without special supervision.


• The Bartons brand of candy, which was not available last year for Passover, will appear this year with an OU-P certification
• The Barracini line of candy now has an OU-P
• Haddar candy now has an OU-P

• Many products from the Willmark line of industrial baked goods will be available with an OU-P this year
• Cookies from Gedilla and Gefen have an OU-P
• Bernie’s Foods will have Frankels blintzes, waffles, and pizza, and LeTova kichel and bread sticks with an OU-P this year
• Dayenu will have certified OU-P pizza, rolls, and pierogies


• Best Moo and Kahal dairy products now have an OU-P
• Norman’s Machmirim cholov yisroel milk and yogurt have a OU-P
• Cabot Creamery has cheddar cheese that is not cholov yisroel but is OU-P


• It is the OU’s position that extra virgin olive oil can be used for Passover without specific OU-P designation. However, Bartenura, Carmel, Gefen, and Mishpacha olive oil will be available with an OU-P symbol on their labels. Mother’s and Mishpacha’s cooking sprays will have an OU-P. Bartenura will be introducing an OU-P grapeseed oil this year
• Savion has introduced a new OU-P line of sauces known as Fireman’s Frenzy, including spicy marinade, salsa, and ketchup

For more information on these and other food and non-food items that are kosher for Passover, visit