NCSY Connect kicks off spring as it announces its first annual Community-Wide Men’s Soccer Tournament to take place Sunday, April 17 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the newly renovated UCLA Intramural Fields. The soccer tournament will feature eight teams with an expected turnout of more than 150 players from the community.
Both individuals and groups can sign up to play in the tournament. Proceeds from the tournament will be collected towards a scholarship fund for NCSY’s Israel summer program for public high school students. The winning team will receive a prize.
Denise Badreau, Director of Community Connections, explained, “Community leaders, local businesses and alumni are working together to send an entire bus – 40 deserving teens – to experience NCSY’s four week transformative summer program, The Anne Samson Jerusalem Journey (TJJ).”
Rabbi Effie Goldberg, West Coast NCSY Executive Director, said, “It is exciting to see the friends, alumni and donors getting ready for the April 17 Tournament. The day will not only be an enjoyable community event, but more importantly will help raise much needed scholarship dollars for our Jewish teens.”
NCSY is the international youth organization of the Orthodox Union. As its West Coast alumni organization, NCSY Connect, based in LA, was established to play an essential role in the lives of NCSY alumni, young professionals and the Jewish community through networking, recreational and inspiring programs.
Registration is required to participate in the tournament; participants must be 18 or over. The fees are $36 per player, $360 per team, and $750 per team sponsor. Sign up at