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More than 40 Synagogues in North America join OU Women’s Initiative to make Simchat Torah more Meaningful for Women

04 Oct 2019

NEW YORK – The Orthodox Union (OU) is taking a significant step to make the observance of Simchat Torah more meaningful for women in North America. The OU Women’s Initiative is partnering with more than 40 synagogues in 16 U.S. states and one Canadian province to provide shiurim for women on Simchat Torah morning during aliyot.

“The opportunity to celebrate the Torah through study is a fulfillment of the essence of Simchat Torah,” said Founding Director of the OU Women’s Initiative Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman. “Connecting synagogues with local scholars creates a Simchat Torah morning learning opportunity so that all feel involved and engaged.”
Programs this year will take place at:

“The program was piloted last year and received very positive feedback. This year our member synagogues were very interested in an expansion of this program as it addresses an important communal need in a very effective manner,” said Orthodox Union President Moishe Bane.

“The OU takes tremendous pride in providing programming for each and every member of our community,” said Orthodox Union Executive Vice President Allen Fagin. “Enhancing the joy and meaningful opportunity for Torah learning, that women in these 40 communities will derive from their celebration of Simchat Torah is a perfect example.”