YachadGifts.com Purim package
Mishloach manot, Purim gifts baskets, are a great way of showing appreciation to others and maintaining connections with old friends as well as new. This Purim two Orthodox Union programs, NextGen and Yachad’s Jewish Union Foundation, will be distributing the Purim gift packages to bring sweets, smiles and sentimental memories this Adar II.
OU’s Nextgen has sent free 1,500 mishloach manot to NCSY, Jewish Student Union, Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus and Taglit-Birthright Israel Free Spirit alumni. The package includes two thunder sticks, a glittery mask, and an assortment of candies as well as written material for upcoming NextGen initiatives.
Says Melanie Goldberg, Alumni Connections associate and coordinator of OU NextGen Division’s Purim packages program, “I hope that with these mishloach manot, college students and those beyond will feel reconnected and bring back good memories.”
YachadGifts.com is a project of the Jewish Union Foundation (JUF). In partnership with Yachad, the flagship agency of the Orthodox Union’s National Jewish Council for Disabilities (NJCD), JUF is a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening the independence of individuals with developmental disabilities, enabling them to better participate in the full spectrum of life.
This year’s mishloach manot from NextGen and Yachad both have been packaged by Yachad members. More than 3,000 individuals will be receiving mishloach manot from www.yachadgifts.com this Purim.
OU Alumni Purim package with thunder sticks,
mask, candies and greeting card
Yachad Gifts will be partnering with synagogues and stores in the New York Tri-State area to sell their beautifully packaged Purim gifts. They may be purchased online as well at www.Yachadgifts.com. Prices range from a $6 gift basket to $104 for an “Executive Purim” package.
Says Sarah Kramer, Creative Design Director for Yachad Gifts,“Yachad members are involved with every aspect of the process, such as packaging, shipping and customer service. It provides launching platform for people with disabilities as a training ground to build their skills. Yachad Gifts has recently appointed Shira Donan as the first hired member with disabilities for the production staff.”
“Shira is very artistic, she definitely knows how to coordinate and she’ll come up with her initiatives; she is an excellent wrapper,” shared Shira Moskowitz, production manager for Yachad Gifts. “It makes Yachad members feel good about themselves and makes them feel like they are accomplishing something, which, of course, they are.”