Cong Ohab Zedek, OU Singles Connection, and North Shore-LIJ Present “Mix & Mingles & Chessed,” September 14

02 Sep 2014

Congregation Ohab Zedek, the Orthodox Union Singles Connection and North Shore-LIJ Health System will present Mix and Mingle and Evening of Chessed for singles ages 35-49, on Sunday, September 14 at 6 p.m. at the synagogue, 118 West 95th Street in Manhattan.

“Singles will share a relaxed and interactive evening while enjoying a delicious dinner buffet and preparing Rosh Hashanah gift packages for patients at local hospitals. The event will also feature organized table talk, giving the participants the opportunity to easily meet the other guests,” noted Rebbetzin Judi Steinig, OU associate director of Community Services. “Everyone will mix and mingle while doing a mitzvah.”  The Singles Connection is a program of the OU’s Department of Community Engagement.

Advanced registration is required as space is limited. Registration fee is $36 by September 7 and $45 after September 7. Age verification may be requested. Registration can be made online at (indicate September 14 singles event).

For more information contact Allen Katz at