To: Members of the Board of Directors and Member Synagogues of the Orthodox Union
The members of the Nominating Committee would like to thank all of you who responded with recommendations for the new Board of the Orthodox Union to be elected at our Biennial Convention this Thanksgiving in Jerusalem. We received many suggestions and appreciate all the input. We have followed the mandate of the Constitution and have been working diligently in fulfilling the obligations we undertook in coming up with our recommendations.
Attached is a list of the people we are nominating by position.
Pursuant to the Constitution at least forty (40) days before the date fixed for such Biennial Convention, the Secretary of the Orthodox Union shall send to all Board members and to all Member Synagogues and shall post on the website of the Orthodox Union the slate of nominees prepared by the Nominating Committee with a notice that within twenty (20) days thereafter other persons may be nominated, either for Officer or Director-at-Large by filing in writing with the Secretary of the Orthodox Union, within such period of twenty (20) days, the names and addresses of such other candidate or candidates for the positions to be filed at such approaching Biennial Convention. Such additional nominations to be valid shall be on the written petition of at least twenty (20) Directors for officer nominees, and on the petition of at least ten (10) Directors for Director nominees. If such additional nominations shall have been submitted, with a written acceptance by the nominee, then the slate of the nominees of the Nominating Committee, identified as such, together with such additional names, also separately identified, shall be sent by the Secretary of the Orthodox Union to all Members Synagogues and their delegates on file at the OU and all Directors of the Orthodox Union at least ten (10) days prior to the Biennial Convention. No nominations for Officers or Directors, except as above set forth, shall be made or acted at such Biennial Convention.
Stanley Weinstein, Chairman
Members of Committee:
Mitchel Aeder Aron Raskas
Alan Friedman Gerald Schreck
David Gerstley Roy Spiewak
David Luchins Harvey Wolinetz
Stephen J. Savitsky
Chairman of the Board
Harvey Blitz
Chairman, Board of Governors
Martin Nachimson
Vice Chairmen, Board of Directors
Seymour J. Abrams
Morry Weiss
Vice Chairman, Board of Governors
Jay L. Schottenstein
Senior Vice Presidents
Emanuel J. Adler
Mark Bane
Allen Fagin
Elliot Gibber
Henry Rothman
Stanley Weinstein
Michael Wimpfheimer
Harvey Wolinetz
National Vice Presidents
Mitchel R. Aeder
Fred Ehrman
Dr. Michael J. Elman
Dr. Steven Katz
Moshe D. Krupka
Dr. David Luchins
Aron U. Raskas
Gerald Schreck
Roy Spiewak
Dr. Shimmy Y. Tennenbaum
David Zeffren
Howard Margolin
Martin I. Fineberg
Associate Vice Presidents
Benham Dayanim
Jonathan Halpert
Charles Harary
Gary Litke
Barry Ray
Franklyn Snitow
Honorary Chairmen of the Board
Samuel L. Brennglass
Marcos D. Katz
Marcel Weber
Honorary Presidents
Julius Berman
Moses I. Feuerstein
Mandell I. Ganchrow, MD
Harold M. Jacobs*
Joseph Karasick
Prof. Shimon Kwestel
Sheldon Rudoff
Honorary Vice Presidents
Howard Tzvi Friedman
Dr. Bernard Lander
Joseph Macy
Donald Press
Joel Schreiber
David Woolf
Vice Presidents for Regions
Jerry Wolasky
Atlantic Seaboard
Laurence W. Zeifman
Judge Daniel Butler
Central East
Alan Rothman
Long Island
Neal Stein
David Zimble
New England
Ari Fuchs
New Jersey
Eli Genauer
Dr. Stanley Frohlinger
West Coast
Yitzchak Fund
Board of Directors
Seymour Adler
Hyman Arbesfeld
Terrence Augenbraun
Max Berlin
Rabbi Hershel Billet
Adam Charney
Daniel Chill
Elisheva Diamond
Dennis M. Eisenberg
Alan Friedman
David Gerstley
Chaim Gottesman
Richard Grossman
Marvin Herskowitz
Stanley Hillelsohn
Lorraine Hoffman
Emanuel Holzer
Dr. David Hurwitz
Gustave Jacobs
Mordecai D. Katz
Shlomo Koyfman
Dr. Benzion Krupka
Morey Levovitz
Dr. Marian Stoltz-Loike
Vivian Luchins
Jonathan Mell
Irwin Nachimson
Avery Neumark
Isabelle Novak
Steve Orlow
Stuart Panish
Paul Pinkus
Dr. Ilene Reeman
Dr. Howard Rosenthal
Eric Rothner
Elaine Schreiber
Barbie Lehman Siegel
Jordan Slone
Heshy Wengrow
Esther Williams
Mira Zeffren
Jonathan Zelinger