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Associated Talmud Torahs of Chicago and OU to Present Positive Jewish Parenting Conference

06 Jan 2006

To honor the memory of Rabbi Isaac Mayefsky z”l, one of its most respected educators, the Associated Talmud Torahs, in conjunction with the Orthodox Union, will present its third Positive Jewish Parenting conference in Chicago, with this year’s theme, Building Family Resilience with Our Children. It will take place Saturday evening, February 4, 7:00-11:00 p.m. at the Associated Talmud Torahs, 2828 West Pratt Boulevard, for parents with children of all ages.

The conference, with the participation and sponsorship of Mrs. Florence Mayefsky and the Mayefsky family; Jewish Children’s Bureau; and Jewish Family and Community Services, will feature the nineteenth annual Rabbi Isaac Mayefsky Memorial Keynote Address. It will be delivered by Rabbi Nosson Westreich, M.D., a renowned child and adolescent psychiatrist from Toronto. He will discuss Transmitting the Mesorah: Strengthening a Loving Relationship with Our Children.

“For more than four decades, Rabbi Mayefsky used his great talent to benefit our community and its children. We urge everyone to attend this stimulating and rewarding program honoring the memory of one of our most respected educators,” declared Rabbi Harvey Well, Superintendent of Associated Talmud Torahs.

According to Frank Buchweitz, OU Director of Community Services and Special Projects, and coordinator of the national Positive Jewish Parenting programs, “The workshops address day-to-day concerns of parents. The presenters, all outstanding mental health professionals from the Orthodox community, emphasize practical suggestions that enhance parenting skills.”

Doors will open at 7:00 p.m. in anticipation of a large crowd, with the program beginning at 7:30 with the keynote address. This will be followed by two concurrent workshops, each running for an hour, with the program concluding at 10:40 p.m.

Workshops offered at 8:30-9:30 p.m. include:

Single Parenting: A Woman’s Perspective – Breena Freid, LCSW
Single Parenting: A Man’s Perspective – Dr. Jeffrey Gersten
Responding to a Child’s Anger: “Now What Do I Do?” – Hadassah Goodman, LCSW, ACSW

Workshops offered at 9:40-10:40 p.m. include:

The Art of Fathering: Making the Relationship Truly Special – Dr. Jeffrey Gersten

Conversation with Our Children About Their Bodies’ Development – Hadassah Goodman, LCSW, ACSW (This session is for women only.)

Workshops offered at both time slots include:

Motivating Our Children by Emphasizing Their Success: Lessons Learned from the Shabbat Table – Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Krohn

Nurturing an Environment of Joy in Your Home and Your Life – Rabbi Dr. Jerry Lob

Developing and Strengthening Positive Self-Esteem in Our Children and Ourselves – Rabbi Yisroel Roll, MS, LL.B.

Children’s Adjustments to Family Changes: A Guide to Cultivating Resiliency – Lynn Shyman, LCSW

Admission is $10 per person in advance and $18 at the door. For advance registration, contact Pearl Grogan at 773-973-2828,, or For more information contact Debra Cardash at 773-973-2828.