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Questions on Meat, Wine, and Liquor? Ask OU Kashrus Program to Be Held in Suffern/Monsey, December 7

19 Nov 2013

The Harry H. Beren ASK OU Kashrus OUTREACH Program and Congregation Bais Torah of Suffern will present a “Special Community Kashrus Event,” Motza’ei Shabbat, December 7, Parshat Vayigash, beginning at 8:30 p.m. Rabbi Yosef Grossman, Senior Educational Rabbinic Coordinator and OU Director of Kosher Education coordinated the program and will serve as MC. The program is sponsored by the Harry H. Beren Foundation of New Jersey.

The synagogue is located at 89 West Carlton Road.

There will be free admission for men and women and a free copy of The Daf HaKashrsus—Daf HaShana Volume 20, will be given to all in attendance. Rabbi Grossman is the editor of The Daf HaKashrus, a publication filled with detailed information about the latest developments in kashrus, which is prepared for the rabbis of OU Kosher, but is widely distributed as well outside the organization.

At the Suffern program, Rabbi Moshe Elefant, Chief Operating Officer and Executive Rabbinic Coordinator of OU Kosher, will speak at 8:30 p.m. on “The Integrity of Kosher Meat after the Recent Meat Scandals.” He will be followed an hour later by Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz on “The Production of Kosher Wine and Liquor – A Power point Presentation.” Rabbi Rabinowitz is Senior Rabbinic Coordinator of OU Kosher.

“Several years ago when Harry H. Beren ASK OU conducted a series of ASK OU OUTREACH programs in Monsey/Suffern we had 600 participants attending the first session which discussed nikur (i.e. deveining of meat),” said Rabbi Grossman. “We saw a tremendous thirst in the Monsey/Suffern community for expert knowledge of the meat industry. We look forward to serving the Monsey/Suffern community once again as our experts Rabbi Elefant and Rabbi Rabinowitz discuss current issues relating to the integrity of kosher meat and wine production.”

A Q&A session will follow the presentations. Priority will be given to questions submitted by fax to 212-613-0621 or to {encode=”” title=””}.

For further information, contact Rabbi Grossman at {encode=”” title=””} or 212-613-8212 or 914-391-9470.

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