Donate Bulk Supplies for Ukraine

The Orthodox Union, together with our partners, has established medical supply and kosher food distribution centers in Eastern Europe. Through our network of certified kosher companies, we are collecting food and medical supplies and shipping them to Eastern Europe for distribution into Ukraine and for direct assistance to refugees and local aid organizations.

We are overwhelmed by the community’s requests to give. You can help in one of two critical ways. We are seeking bulk quantities of the following items:

If you can donate these items, please fill out the form below with the details of the donation to coordinate intake at one of our tri-state warehouse collection sites. Please note that while we appreciate all offers we are only currently accepting BULK contributions of goods only. Please note that while we appreciate all offers, we are only currently accepting contributions of a pallet or more.

To fund these collection and distribution efforts, we rely on the generosity and participation of everyone. To donate to these emergency distribution efforts, please go to All money collected will go to these support efforts only, and no administrative or other costs are being collected from donations.

At a moment like this, action is demanded of all of us. We appreciate your partnership, commitment, and generosity.