Submit a Card to share with Ukrainian Refugees

Please share your card submissions via the form below. By submitting the card, you represent and agree that the letter and/or artwork you are submitting personally, or on behalf of your child is your original work or your child’s original work and that the card may be printed and distributed and/or posted online at the sole discretion of the Orthodox Union. Your name and contact information will not be shared.

Download a card template for a card that you can use here. When finished, simply upload using the form below, or you can upload something your child designs on their own.

You can also mail cards to the OU West Coast Office:

OU West Coast
9831 W. Pico Boulevard #103
Los Angeles, CA 90035


  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 512 MB, Max. files: 1.