Shabbat 2014

Jews in 212 cities in 33 countries observed Shabbat together last week and the OU and its Community Engagement and Synagogue Services Department were right there supporting them.

Parashat Noach saw the successful launch of Shabbat 2014. It’s an OU initiative to assist communities across the continent with programming for the Shabbos Project, which went international in its second year. It was a huge success when it was founded in South Africa last year by Chief Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein. This year the OU produced templates, resources and videos for OU member congregations across North America as they, too, worked to promote Shabbat observance in their communities.

Events over the course of the weekend included:

These and many other events throughout the US and Canada contributed to a truly extraordinary kiddush Hashem, as thousands of unaffiliated and under-affiliated Jews were introduced to Shabbat and Orthodox communities. We thank all of the participating shuls and communities, as well as the OU’s Department of Community Engagement and Synagogue Services, led by Director Rabbi Judah Isaacs and Assistant Director Hannah Farkas.