OU’s Third Nach Yomi Cycle

The OU’s third Nach Yomi cycle begins Thanksgiving Day, November 24, with Joshua chapter 1. As if this wasn’t noteworthy enough, seeing how the OU’s Nach Yomi program has encouraged literally thousands of Jews to study Nach, you can read how the program made a special impact on one family. Our colleague Shelomo Dobkin was encouraged to make aliyah based on a shiur he heard on Yirmiyahu as part of the Nach Yomi program. (This move is all the more striking when one considers that neither Shelomo nor his wife,Dena, had ever been to Israel before!)

OU Torah Content Editor Rabbi Jack Abramowitz, who manages the Nach Yomi program, said, “I can’t predict whether or not the upcoming third cycle will play such a visibly dramatic role in the lives of our listeners, but … those who follow the cycle will have a vastly different understanding of and appreciation for the Books of the Prophets and the Writings.” You can read more here.