The OU’s B’Yachad LaNetzach project, launched before Yom Hazikaron, aimed to commemorate the many chayalim who made the ultimate sacrifice in the aftermath of the October 7th attacks, by pairing soldiers with shuls and schools.

Over 250 institutions participated and continue to participate in this project by learning and doing mitzvot in their soldiers’ memory and connecting to the bereaved family.

Join Rabbi Motzen as he interviews some of those who participated in this meaningful OU initiative. For more information about B’Yachad LaNetach, please email Rabbi Yisroel Motzen.

Commemorating the Sacrifices of Chaylim

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B’Yachad Lanetzach Mishloach Manot Project

The families of the fallen soldiers are still reeling. Every day, but especially days that are supposed to be happy, can be crushing. To deliver personalized Mishloach Manot to the family of the soldier you were paired with, please out this form no later than February 15th.