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Sara Malka Reichman

Mrs. Sara Malka (Poupko) Reichman holds a BS in both educational psychology and Jewish studies from Queens College and a master’s degree in secondary education from Azrieli School of Jewish Education and Administration at Yeshiva University. She has also dedicated significant time to studying the great works of Jewish philosophy. Sara Malka has shared her passion for Torah and Jewish philosophy with her students in high school and seminary for decades, teaching at Hebrew Academy of Nassau County, Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls, Ateret Seminary Queens College, Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim and more. Sara Malka designed an honors beit midrash program and created original curricula enabling high school students to become independent learners. She has given lecture series on a variety of topics in Jewish thought and taharat hamishpacha in communities and forums throughout the New York tri-state area and in Israel. Ten years ago, she fulfilled a lifelong dream and moved to Israel where she and her husband are raising their family. She currently teaches at Midreshet Rachel/Shapell’s in Jerusalem. 

Listen to Sara Malka’s shiur, Teshuva