We must pray to G-d. Everyone as an individual and every community should recite with frequency and intensity Psalms 20, 83, 121, 130 and 142.
We must show support financially. Many responsible organizations are raising funds that will provide for real needs. Give wisely and generously.
We must show support personally. Reach out to your family and friends in Israel – even those who you are not regularly in contact with – and share words of care, support, and concern.
We must show support communally. Join your community’s rally for Israel and your shul or community’s Tehillim gatherings.
Finally, we must draw strength and hope by reminding ourselves of who we are, replaying in our minds and on our lips the words – the value statements – we sang over and over again on Simchas Torah.
ברוך הוא אלקינו שבראנו לכבודו והבדילנו מן התועים. Blessed is our G-d Who created us to bring Him honor, distinguishing us from those who are so lost that they act like animals and bring no honor to G-d.
תורת ד’ תמימה משיבת נפש. Hashem’s Torah is perfect, restoring the soul.
עוצו עצה ותופר דברו דבר ולא יקום כי עמנו א-ל. Enemies of the Jews: Hatch your scheme – it will be foiled; share your plan – it will fail. G-d is with us.
אחינו כל בית ישראל הנתונים בצרה ובשביה. Our brothers and sisters throughout the whole house of Israel who are in distress or captivity, may Hashem have compassion on them and lead them from distress to relief, from darkness to light, and from oppression to freedom.
אני מאמין באמונה שלימה בביאת המשיח: I believe completely in the coming of the Moshiach, and though he may delay – and there may be much pain and suffering during that delay – we await his coming every day.
We must always draw strength from who we are, from the magnificent Torah values that we celebrate, and from the strength and care that we provide each other.