Integrate into the campus community with the help of our JLIC directors and develop ongoing relationships with students.
- Maintain both a weekday and Shabbat presence and interaction with students.
- Proactively reach out and develop relationships with students both in one-on-one settings (such as over coffee) or within groups.
- Interact informally with students over meals, student programs…
- Proactively find and connect to observant and non-observant NCSY/JSU alumni on campus, serving as a connector between them and meaningful Jewish experiences and opportunities.
With support from our JLIC directors help develop Jewish Learning and other substantive opportunities for students to engage, grow, and enhance their experience of Judaism:
- Develop a broad array of Jewish learning opportunities for students, such as Shiurim, Lunch and learns, Beit Midrash nights, discussion groups, etc. that relate to the needs and opportunities of the specific student target groups on campus.
- Provide “inspirational” opportunities for students such as Onegim, Rosh Chodesh groups, Celebratory experiences during Chagim, etc.
- Collaborate with students, student groups, and external partners to enhance the capacity and experience of Jewish learning on campus.
- Learn with students one-on-one (Chavrutot) or in small groups, exploring issues/topics/Seforim of relevance to students.
- Engage in informal conversations with students around issues of relevance to their Jewish experience.
- Serve as a source of inspiration for students and as role models around issues of importance to their Jewish growth, such as Tefilla, connection to Israel, Jewish family, leadership, commitment to community, respect for others, etc.
- Encourage student involvement and passion, and provide programming around important Jewish values/Mitzvot such as Israel, Tzedek, and Chesed.