This program is dedicated by Richard and Debra Parkoff in memory of Richard's parents Avraham ben Yitzchak Hakohen, a"h and Rochel Bluma bat Yehoshua, a"h

Orthodox Union Tisha B'av Kinot 2023/5783

What’s the point of feeling sad on Tisha B’Av? Is the goal just to wallow in the past and mourn over things we can’t change? Or is there more to it than that? What if mourning can actually be a redemptive and even a transformative experience?

In this inspiring video by Aleph Beta, Rabbi David Fohrman offers an exhilarating answer to this question based on Rachel Imenu. When she wept for her children, God listened.
Watch to discover what Rachel’s story can teach us about using suffering as a catalyst for growth, on Tisha B’Av and every day of the year.

Aleph Beta is a nonprofit media company founded by Rabbi Fohrman. Check out their entire library of inspiring Tisha B’Av videos here.

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