Mrs. Emma Katz


Mrs. Emma Katz is originally from Highland Park, NJ. Emma attended Yeshivah of Flatbush, MMY, earned her bachelor’s degree in Judaic studies and education from Stern College for Women, and her master’s degree in Jewish education from Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration. Emma has taught in many formal and informal Jewish educational settings, including Shulamith High School for Girls, Ida Crown Jewish Academy and Bruriah High School. Emma participated in the Bellows Eshkolot Tanach Educators Program at Matan Yerushalayim, learning both Tanach content and new and innovative educational methodology from leading Jewish educators. Emma is currently the Director of NILI, the Chicago Institute of Women’s Learning (The Women’s Initiative of the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel of Chicago) and an adjunct professor at the Stern College for Women. Emma lives in Linden, NJ and serves as the Rebbetzin of Congregation Anshe Chesed in Linden, NJ alongside her husband, Rabbi Yossi Katz, and 3 children.