Confetti Chopped Kale, Walnut, and Beet Salad (Raw, Gluten-Free, Vegan)

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Confetti Chopped Kale, Walnut, and Beet Salad
06 Feb 2017
.Please note: fresh fruit and vegetables need to be inspected for insect infestation. Please consult our guide

4 servings



  1. Place beets on a flat surface, suing a sharp knife, cut into matchsticks.
  2. In a large bowl, combine beets, onion, kale, carrots, walnuts and tarragon.
  3. In a small bowl, whisk vinegar, lemon juice, oil, sea salt, pepper and lemon zest; pour over kale salad and toss to combine. Serve.

ABOUT: Amie Valpone, founder of healed herself from a decade of chronic illness. Amie cooks for a variety of clients including celebrities. Her work appears on The Huffington Post, Martha Stewart, Glamour Magazine, The Food Network, Kiwi Magazine, Clean Eating Magazine, WebMD and SHAPE Magazine.

Excerpt from The Mind Body Synergy Diet, by David Zulberg.

The MIND BODY SYNERGY “Diet” identifies fundamental principles in both ancient and current research, providing a practical system for mastering mindfulness and weight loss. It has just six habits, implemented at the right pace. You add one new habit every 5 days, for 30 days. That’s it. On The Mind Body Synergy “Diet”, your pounds will automatically fall off and you will notice a positive shift in perception, no matter what life throws at you. It is not because you are actively seeking these results but as an expected consequence of reclaiming your born right to be in touch with your natural instincts – a mind body synergy.

Bio: David Zulberg holds a MS from Columbia University and is considered one of the foremost experts on Maimonides’s medical and philosophical works. He is a certified ACE health coach and fitness specialist who is the author of The Life Transforming Diet (Feldheim) and The 5 Skinny Habits (Rodale). David has been featured on popular online and print media outlets. Born in South Africa, he now lives in New York.

The words of this author reflect his/her own opinions and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Orthodox Union.