The Boston Bombing’s Two Realities

Dear Family,

Yes, you are family. On one level, all of humanity is part of one extended family.

And we, unfortunately, tend to feel this most when confronted with a tragedy.

And yesterday, we were hit.

Each of us.

The closer we were, the more we felt it.

I, like many, was shocked and horrified. Again.

I am reminded of two realities:

1) Evil exists. And people are capable of expressing that evil without discrimination.
2) We are connected. And we don’t even need to know one another to suddenly connect.

Yet, it is because evil exists that expressions of love, goodness, kindness, concern, benevolence, altruism and the like are virtues.

Because when we choose goodness, we become tov – good. Like God.

And if we choose to destroy and harm, we become rah – evil. Not Godly.

All other times, we are in a state of potential.

So I can say Tehilim (psalms), comfort others, and do my part here in Boston.

And I can feel joy and grateful that the Jewish People have a Home, our Home, called Eretz Yisrael.

And I can invite others to share in the beauty of Jewish living which puts all of life’s events and experiences into a context where we can feel close to Hashem.

With Blessings,

Rabbi Shmuel Miller


Rabbi Shmuel Miller has served as Regional Director for New England NCSY since 2003. Rabbi Miller also provides communal support opportunities in Greater Boston, for parents, couples, and individuals. Over the course of his 10 years in New England, Rabbi Miller has been a sought after speaker for communities, schools and universities including Maimonides, Gann Academy, Brandeis, MIT, BU and Tufts.

The words of this author reflect his/her own opinions and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Orthodox Union.